put " Welcome to" & return & " SpaceEscape!" into field "info"
put return & return & " You are in the small cell where you were" & " thrown after being captured by the enemy Drools. You realize" & " that you must try to take command of the ship and bring"& " it and its≈∏" after last word of field "info"
set lockscreen to false
else put "You are in your small cell." into field "info"
if times ‚â• 2 then go to card "cell2"
pass opencard
end opencard
on closecard
global times
add 1 to times
pass closecard
end closecard
on cont
put "human prisoners back"& " to Earth, or you and the rest of them will be doomed to work as "& "Droolish slaves for the rest of your lives." into field "info"